Toene suchen einen Autor

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Composer: Huber, Nicolaus A.
Arranged for: Trio
Instrumentation: Various Instr and Obbligato Wind Machine


Tones are looking for an author was written in 1989 for Wilfried Brennecke to mark his farewell to the Witten Days for new chamber music. It is a short piece whose four different notation symbols require an elaborating author, on whose imagination the sound world of the music depends. Basically unanimous, the original only allows Hoquetus-like sound polyphony. In the middle the frequencies broaden from 2 to 11 tones with a logical attack frequency: 21 … 321 … 4321 … 7654321 … 77654321 … 77777654321 … 67777765432 … 56777776543 … 12345677777 . After so much confusion that leads to confusion, joy in what is close: Isolde’s death in love and the expressive comedy of a wind machine. (Nicolaus A. Huber, 1995)

R.R.P £21

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